You can give others access (authorization) to view and file your tax information in TastSelv.

You may authorise an adviser, an accountant, bank, spouse or other family member to view and enter your information in E-tax.

Follow this short guide:

How to start

Go to

  1. Choose English in language settings on the website footer
  2. Log on TastSelv for Individuals.
  3. Log on with your NemID or TastSelv-code.

How to give access to Martinsen when you have logged on to

  1. Log on to E-tax (TastSelv)
  2. Select Profiloplysninger (Profile information)
  3. Select Autorisation af andre/rådgivere til TastSelv (Allowing third-party/advisers access to E-tax).
  4. State CVR/SE no. of Martinsen: 32 28 52 01 to authorise access to your information.
  5. Select the areas of E-tax or individual menu items to which the person is authorised access
  6. Choose Godkend (Approve)

Need assistance?

If you need further assistance on the screen, we are pleased to help you.

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